Registration Now Available

Boys Summer Hoops League

Enter as a Team or Individual

Start Date is Monday June 16, 2025

Boys Grades 5 thru 10

Register now to save a spot

Click on Leagues for more info

Next Drills on
Monday Mar 31st -

Boys and Girls Grade 6 and under at 6pm to 730pm
Boys and Girls Grade 7 and up at 730pm to 9pm


Gym Rental - Courts are Available to Rent For Basketball, Volleyball, Pickleball And Saturday Birthday Parties! To Reserve Text Meg 215-669-8072

Renegades Fundraising -TD Bank Partnership

Affinity Membership – Renegades Affinity #B7
New Customers receive $25 when opening a new checking acct!
If you are an existing TD Customer please call TD and ask to link with Renegades Affinity Program B7
Renegades will receive TD Bank Donation Based on number of Renegades Affinity Accounts